Switzerland, An Ideal Location for Foreign Investors

In recent years, many companies have sought to maximize their profits by setting up headquarters in countries like Switzerland. This strategy is popular due to Switzerland's low taxation and favorable economic policies, making it an attractive destination for foreign investors. Continue reading to learn more reasons why Switzerland is an ideal location for foreign businesses.


Running a Swiss Business: Understanding the Key Changes In 2024

Businesses operating or aspiring to operate in Switzerland must stay updated about its evolving culture, regulations, and economy. Understanding these changes allows you to adapt your business strategy proactively and succeed in the Swiss market. Read to learn some of the recent shifts in taxation, immigration policies, industry regulations, and consumer behavior


Nueva era blockchain para Suiza. ¿Qué debe saber?

El año pasado, Suiza introdujo una nueva ley, la "ley blockchain". La aplicación de esta ley seguirá dos etapas: la primera, que ya tuvo lugar el 1 de febrero, y la otra, que se producirá en agosto. El 1 de febrero se introdujeron reformas en el derecho de sociedades. En la segunda fase, en agosto, el Estado pondrá en marcha mejoras de la infraestructura del mercado financiero. Esto permitirá a Suiza disponer de un sector de criptomonedas correctamente gestionado en el que todos los agentes estén plenamente informados de las oportunidades y los riesgos asociados.

Do educational institutions need to register for VAT in Switzerland and what is the process?

All countries in the EU and Switzerland, are part of the VAT legislation requirements. And many other countries around the world have similar VAT systems. According to Swiss legislation, foreign companies need to be registered for VAT, but some companies can be part of an exception in case of services that they provide.

New blockchain era for Switzerland. What you need to know?

Last year, Switzerland introduced a new law, the "blockchain law". The implementation of this law will follow two stages: the first which already occured on the 1st of February, and the other to eventuate in August. Invoked on the 1st of February were reforms on company law. In the second phase in August, the State will put into effect upgrades of the financial market infrastructure. These will allow Switzerland to have a properly managed cryptocurrency industry where all actors are fully informed of the opportunities & risks associated. 

Russian Federation and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg have changed the double taxation rules

Recently Russian Federation and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg have signed protocol regarding the amendments in the double taxation rules. This Protocol was negotiated following a request from the Russian Federation due to a change in its conventional policy regarding withholding taxes on dividends and interest.

FINMA adopts new regulation implementing FinSA and FinIA

Recently The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA introduced a new regulation act under which is implementing the Financial Services Act FinSA and the Financial Institutions Act FinIA. Additionally, it is also issuing a new FINMA Financial Institutions Ordinance. They are supposed to enter into force on 1 January 2021.