The web-based survey and application platform EHP is now accessible to supervised institutions and their audit firms, as well as supervisory organisations. They can now leverage the platform to submit encrypted supervisory data and authorisation applications to FINMA online. The use of this website is free of charge.
FINMA ensures that Switzerland’s financial markets are operating at their optimum levels. It serves as Switzerland’s independent financial-markets regulator and holds responsibility for supervising financial institutions, banks, insurance companies, collective investment schemes, and their asset managers and fund management companies. It’s also FINMA’s mandate to regulate insurance intermediaries and protect investors, creditors, and policyholders.
Note that the FINMA portal serves as the central entry point for using the survey and application platform (EHP). For users from the institutions to get access to the FINMA portal, it’s essential that they register first. If the registration process is successful, the user will be able to log in to the FINMA portal. They’ll also be able to process all notifications directly online via the EHP. To ensure security, the platform implements two-factor authentication.
One more step the institution should take before they can start to use EHP is to provide FINMA with the name of one or more authorisation coordinators (AC). Having at least one authorisation coordinators is mandatory. The AC is responsible for authorising other individuals from the institution for the EHP.
How to Register AC: institutions authorised by FINMA
If your organization is already authorised by FINMA, registering as an authorisation coordinator is quite straightforward. You can simply fill in the registration form on their website.
How to register AC: institutions not authorised by FINMA
Keep in mind that notification to EHP is not sufficient to obtain a license. For institutions that have not yet attained the FINMA license, there is an alternative path—the self-registration form on the FINMA webpage. This is the only way to become an authorisation coordinator and access the EHP survey and application platform without a FINMA license.
At present, the self-registration form is only accessible to institutions that are applying authorisation as:
- Representatives of foreign collective investment schemes (CISA)
- Managers of collective assets
- Fund management companies
- Representations (FinIA)
- Portfolio managers
- Trustees
Simplify your AC registration process with SIGTAX
There are a lot of factors that come into play when registering as an authorisation coordinator. To streamline the process and avoid mistakes in your EHP survey and application, you can seek the guidance of SIGTAX experts in the subject. Our team comprises of highly qualified professionals who hold enough experience to understand the Swiss financial landscape and its associated legal, financial and regulatory compliance obligations.
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