Opening a Swiss Corporation (Aktiengesellschaft)

What is Swiss Corporation (Aktiengesellschaft)

Aktiengesellschaft, commonly abbreviated as AG, translates to "stock corporation" in English. It is a legal entity recognized under Swiss law, characterized by having its capital divided into shares. AGs are considered distinct legal entities, separate from their shareholders, and are subject to specific regulations outlined in the Swiss Code of Obligations. The example of similar legal structures in other jurisdictions can be Public Limited Companies (PLC) in Great Britain or Société Anonyme (SA) in France.

Secrets to Navigating Legal Challenges for Swiss Entrepreneurs

The rewards for investing in Switzerland's 807.71 billion dollar economy are a very open secret. However, some entrepreneurs fail to enjoy the full benefits of operating in Switzerland due to a limited understanding of the Swiss legal framework and their company’s legal responsibilities. This blog explores the top 5 legal issues entrepreneurs must prioritize by examining recent notable cases. Discover common legal challenges in the Swiss legal system and learn effective strategies to mitigate risk.

Unlocking Success in Switzerland: Do You Need Swiss Residents to Register A Business?

From a legal perspective, a Swiss resident must be involved in the proceedings for compliance with Swiss regulations. This guide specifies the roles for which appointing individuals with Swiss residency is mandatory. It also details the legal capacity such persons will hold in the business. Read on to learn more about strategic appointments you need during company registration and how to get things done faster.

Points to Consider When Starting a Small Business In Switzerland

Starting a new business can be overwhelming. However, while meeting the legal requirements for company registration is essential, other aspects of setting up a business are equally important. These include selecting a suitable location, securing financial resources, and hiring employees, among other factors.


Switzerland, An Ideal Location for Foreign Investors

In recent years, many companies have sought to maximize their profits by setting up headquarters in countries like Switzerland. This strategy is popular due to Switzerland's low taxation and favorable economic policies, making it an attractive destination for foreign investors. Continue reading to learn more reasons why Switzerland is an ideal location for foreign businesses.


Running a Swiss Business: Understanding the Key Changes In 2024

Businesses operating or aspiring to operate in Switzerland must stay updated about its evolving culture, regulations, and economy. Understanding these changes allows you to adapt your business strategy proactively and succeed in the Swiss market. Read to learn some of the recent shifts in taxation, immigration policies, industry regulations, and consumer behavior